Writing skills have multiple bonuses inDoctoral Programs

It turns out that writing skills provide multipleintrapersonal and interpersonal benefits. So writing skillsare not…

It turns out that writing skills provide multiple
intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits. So writing skills
are not just for producing documents, there are multiple
Here’s what others are saying about writing skills:
 Reading Craze1 shares – writing helps improve critical
thinking and makes us a better thinker.
Writing improves critical thinking skills because when
you are writing you have to write sources and
references on who wrote it and date was it published.

Answering these types of investigative questions helps
to develop your critical thinking skills.
 360 Wichita2shares – writing promotes selfexpression and prepares one for the real world
 Public. District 1963
shares their view on: writing
skills are the most important skill because:
 Writing provides communication and thinking
 Writing expresses who we are as a person.
 Writing makes our thinking and learning
visible and permanent.
 Writing fosters our ability to explain and refine
ideas to others and to ourselves.
If you want to know more about preparation for doctoral
programs to set yourself up for successful completion,
direct message me.